Gudrun Cartwright
Learning how to be a grownup fit for the 21st Century
Holding the gaze of reality
Facing into the climate & ecological emergencies, social injustice & how privilege taints our view
As grownups, we are responsible for whether future generations thrive.
Young people know that our current way of life is putting us on a crash course with Earth’s ability to support us. Yet we grownups will not listen.
It is painful to face up to the harm we are causing to people & nature. Difficult to accept we need to act, when there are no easy answers.
But if we hope to live out retirement, supported by those who follow us we must lean in. See the gift in our responsibilities. Reimagine the good life for 21st century grownups.
If, like me, you are a grownup with a ‘nice’ life, this is ours to do.
Becoming authentic
Embracing our true selves, the good, the bad & the ugly. Our diversity, our sameness, our limits, our connections
In our hectic, distracting world it is difficult to know who you truly are.
Without peeling back the layers of unhelpful thinking patterns, the habits that keep us tired and unhealthy, the ways of relating to ourselves & others, we never will.
But this is essential if we are to break the inertia that holds us tight. The busyness treadmill . The belief that the status quo is the only way to live and organise society.
Accepting that who we are is good enough can help us see that we have power to drive change. From there we can build our courage to become the kind of grownups we need to be.
Designing for life
How permaculture can help everyone design their life, work and home to become part of the solution
It can be exhausting, just living the daily grind of modern life.
We must centre our wellbeing if we wish to build a world where people & nature thrive.
To do this it is critical that we use good design to imagine what could be, set up the systems to make our lives run smoothly & rebuild the spaces where we live & work.
And we must do this together. Find ways to collaborate. Share learning. Be generous with our time & money. Get better at resolving conflict & building community. Rest. Explore. Create. Play. Have fun.
Relax into our part in the web of life.